The story of Prophet Saleh

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The story of Prophet Saleh (صالح) is narrated in the Quran, particularly in chapters such as Hud (Surah 11) and Al-A'raf (Surah 7). Prophet Saleh was sent by Allah as a messenger to the people of Thamud, an ancient Arab tribe. Here is a summary of the story:

The People of Thamud:

The people of Thamud were known for their strength and skill in carving homes into the mountains. However, like the people of 'Ad, they had deviated from the path of righteousness. Despite the blessings Allah had bestowed upon them, they engaged in idolatry, arrogance, and disobedience.

Prophet Saleh's Mission:

Allah chose Prophet Saleh as a messenger to guide the people of Thamud back to the worship of the one true God. Saleh emphasized the importance of monotheism, righteous conduct, and warned them about the consequences of their actions.

The Miracle of the She-Camel:

In response to their demands for a sign, Allah provided a miraculous she-camel as a divine sign. This she-camel was unique and a blessing from Allah. Saleh declared that the people were to allow the camel to graze freely on certain days, and on those days, no one was allowed to harm or interfere with it. However, the people of Thamud, in their arrogance, violated this command and plotted against the she-camel.

Divine Punishment:

In response to their disobedience and mistreatment of the she-camel, Allah decreed a severe punishment for the people of Thamud. A mighty blast overtook them, destroying their homes and causing their demise. The people of Thamud were annihilated, and their once-prosperous civilization was left in ruins.

Salvation of Prophet Saleh:

Before the divine punishment, Allah instructed Prophet Saleh to leave the community along with the believers who had followed his message. They were saved from the calamity that befell the rest of Thamud.

Moral Lessons:

The story of Prophet Saleh carries moral lessons about the consequences of disobedience, the importance of heeding the message of the prophets, and the destructive nature of arrogance. It serves as a reminder of the transient nature of worldly power and the importance of humility and submission to Allah.

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