The story of Prophet Shuayb

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 The story of Prophet Shuayb (شعيب) is mentioned in the Quran, primarily in Surah Al-A'raf (7:85-93), Surah Hud (11:84-95), and Surah Al-Shu'ara (26:176-191). Prophet Shuayb is also known as Jethro in the Bible. Here is a summary of the story:

1. Prophet Shuayb's People: Prophet Shuayb was sent by Allah as a messenger to the people of Madyan. The people of Madyan were known for their dishonesty, corruption, and unethical business practices. They had deviated from the path of righteousness and were involved in various forms of oppression and wrongdoing.

2. Shuayb's Message: Prophet Shuayb's primary message was to call his people to the worship of the one true God, to practice justice in their dealings, and to refrain from dishonesty and exploitation. He emphasized the importance of social justice, fair business practices, and treating others with honesty and integrity.

3. Rejection and Opposition: Despite Prophet Shuayb's sincere efforts to guide his people, they rejected his message. The corrupt leaders and merchants, in particular, opposed Shuayb's call to justice, fearing that his message would disrupt their unjust practices and profits. The people accused Shuayb of being a source of bad luck and a troublemaker.

4. Divine Intervention: In response to the persistent rejection of his message, Prophet Shuayb invoked the help of Allah, seeking justice. As a consequence of their wrongdoing, a severe earthquake or loud blast from the sky destroyed the disbelievers in Madyan. The once prosperous city was left in ruins.

5. Shuayb's Rescue: Prophet Shuayb and the believers who followed his message were saved from the divine punishment. They were not harmed by the calamity that befell the rest of the people. This rescue emphasized the protection granted to the followers of the truth.

6. Lessons and Moral Teachings: The story of Prophet Shuayb serves as a moral lesson about the consequences of corruption, dishonesty, and social injustice. It highlights the importance of adhering to ethical principles in business and interpersonal relationships. The destruction of the people of Madyan serves as a reminder of the ultimate accountability for those who persist in wrongdoing and reject the guidance of the prophets.

The Quran mentions Prophet Shuayb as an example of a messenger sent to a community to guide them toward righteousness and justice. The story underscores the universal message of the prophets regarding monotheism, ethical conduct, and social justice.

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