The story of Prophet Harun

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 The story of Prophet Harun (Aaron in English) is closely intertwined with the story of his brother, Prophet Musa (Moses). Their narrative is prominently featured in the Quran, particularly in chapters such as Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Al-A'raf, and Surah Ta-Ha. Here is a summarized version of the story of Prophet Harun:

1.Harun's Appointment as a Prophet: Harun was appointed by Allah as a prophet and a companion to his younger brother, Musa. Both were chosen to guide the Children of Israel and deliver them from the oppression of the Pharaoh in Egypt.

2.Support for Musa: When Musa was granted prophethood and tasked with confronting the Pharaoh, he requested that his brother Harun be appointed as his supporter and helper. Harun was known for his eloquence and was chosen to assist Musa in delivering the message to the Pharaoh and the Israelites.

3. Musa and Harun's Mission: Musa and Harun were sent to the Pharaoh with the message of monotheism, demanding the release of the Children of Israel from slavery. Despite the miracles and signs shown by Musa and Harun, the Pharaoh and his people rejected their message.

4. Harun's Role During Musa's Absence: There is a significant incident mentioned in the Quran when Musa went to Mount Sinai for forty nights to receive the revelation. During his absence, some of the Israelites, influenced by Samiri, deviated from the worship of Allah and crafted a calf from their jewelry to worship. Harun, in his attempt to prevent this idolatry, was left in a challenging situation. He emphasized the worship of the one true God, but some of the people persisted in their misguided actions.

5. Harun's Patience: Harun faced challenges and pressure from some of the Israelites during Musa's absence. Despite the difficulties, Harun remained patient, steadfast in his commitment to monotheism, and did not yield to the demands of idolatry. When Musa returned, he was displeased with the actions of the misguided individuals but did not hold Harun responsible for their deviation.

6.Reunion and Success: When Musa returned, he found that some of his people had deviated from the right path. Harun explained the difficult situation he faced and his efforts to maintain the unity of the community. Together, Musa and Harun continued their mission to guide the Children of Israel.

7.Harun's Death: The Quran does not provide explicit details about the death of Harun. However, it mentions that both Musa and Harun died before the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land.

The story of Prophet Harun highlights the challenges faced by prophets in maintaining the worship of the one true God among their communities. Harun's role as a supporter of Musa and his patience during difficult times serve as lessons of dedication, resilience, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity

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