The story of Prophet Nuh

deep Searsh


The story of Prophet Nuh (Noah in English) is a significant narrative in Islamic tradition, and it is also mentioned in other religious texts, including the Bible. Here is a summary of the story as it appears in the Quran:

Prophet Nuh's Mission:

Prophet Nuh was sent by Allah as a messenger to his people. He lived among a community that had deviated from the path of righteousness, engaging in idolatry and various immoral practices. Despite Nuh's sincere efforts to guide his people toward monotheism and righteousness, they persistently rejected his message.

Building the Ark:

As the people continued to reject his message, Prophet Nuh received guidance from Allah to build an ark (ship) as a means of salvation for those who would believe. This ark was to be constructed under divine guidance and was intended to withstand a great flood that would be sent as a punishment.

The Flood: When the ark was completed, the great flood was unleashed upon the disbelieving community. Prophet Nuh, along with the believers and pairs of animals, boarded the ark. The floodwaters covered the entire Earth, and all those who had rejected Nuh's message were drowned.

Allah's Mercy: After the floodwaters receded, the ark came to rest, and Prophet Nuh and the believers disembarked. Allah blessed Nuh and his descendants, and He made a covenant that He would not send such a flood again as a punishment for humanity's sins. Allah emphasized His mercy and guidance for those who would heed the lessons from Prophet Nuh's story.

Prophet Nuh's Long Life:

Prophet Nuh is said to have lived for an extended period, often cited as 950 years. His mission spanned a significant portion of his life, and he faced numerous challenges in conveying the message of monotheism and righteousness to his people.

The story of Prophet Nuh carries moral lessons about patience, perseverance, obedience to God, and the consequences of rejecting divine guidance. It is a reminder of Allah's mercy and the importance of heeding the messages of the prophets.

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