The story of Prophet Idris

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 The story of Prophet Idris (إدريس), known as Enoch in the Judeo-Christian tradition, is briefly mentioned in the Quran. While the information is limited, some details are available. It's important to note that additional details or variations may be found in other religious texts.

Prophet Idris in the Quran: Idris is mentioned twice in the Quran, in Surah Al-Anbiya (21:85-86) and Surah Maryam (19:56-57). The relevant verses are as follows (translations may vary):

Surah Al-Anbiya (21:85-86): "And the same blessing was bestowed upon Isma'il and Idris and Zul-Kifl, because they all used to remain patient. And We admitted them to Our mercy. Surely, they were among the righteous."

Surah Maryam (19:56-57): "And mention in the Book, Idris. Indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet. And We raised him to a high station."

Details from Islamic tradition:

1-Righteousness and Truthfulness: Prophet Idris is described as a man of truth and righteousness, emphasizing his piety and devotion to God.

2-Prophethood: It is believed that Idris was a prophet sent by Allah to guide his community. While the Quran does not provide specific details about his message or people, Islamic tradition suggests that he was sent to remind his community of the oneness of God and to guide them on the righteous path.

3-Ascension to a High Station: The Quran mentions that Allah raised Prophet Idris to a high station. The exact nature of this elevation is not detailed in the Quran, and interpretations may vary.

4-Legacy: Prophet Idris is considered a righteous and honored figure in Islamic tradition. His mention in the Quran underscores the importance of truthfulness, patience, and adherence to righteousness.

While the Quran provides only brief references to Prophet Idris, Islamic scholars have elaborated on his life and mission based on various hadiths and historical accounts. It's important to approach these additional details with an awareness of their sources and potential variations in interpretation.

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