The story of Prophet Sulaiman

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The story of Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon in English) is mentioned in the Quran, where he is described as a prophet, a king, and a ruler endowed with unique gifts and abilities granted by Allah. Here is a summarized version of the story of Prophet Sulaiman:

1. Inheritance of the Kingdom: Prophet Sulaiman was the son of Prophet Dawud (David), and upon his father's death, Sulaiman inherited the kingdom. Allah granted him both prophethood and kingship, making him a wise and just ruler.

2. Unique Abilities: One of the distinctive features of Prophet Sulaiman was the ability to understand and communicate with animals, birds, and even jinn (invisible beings). This unique gift allowed him to maintain harmony and control over his kingdom.

3. The Hoopoe's Discovery: One day, Sulaiman noticed that his favorite bird, the hoopoe, was absent. When the hoopoe returned, it reported the existence of a powerful and wealthy queen, the Queen of Sheba (Bilqis), ruling a distant kingdom. Sulaiman decided to send a letter to Bilqis, inviting her and her people to worship the one true God.

4. Bilqis's Visit: The Queen of Sheba responded to Sulaiman's invitation and visited his court. Sulaiman presented the message of monotheism to her, and upon witnessing a miraculous display of his kingdom, she embraced the true faith. Bilqis acknowledged the greatness of Sulaiman's kingdom and the power of his Lord.

5. Sulaiman's Control over the Jinn: Sulaiman had command over the jinn, who served him faithfully. They performed various tasks, including construction and other duties. One notable incident involved the jinn crafting a magnificent throne for the Queen of Sheba to test her knowledge and discernment.

6. The Ant's Warning: Sulaiman, while inspecting his troops, heard an ant warning the other ants to seek shelter to avoid being unknowingly trampled by his approaching army. Sulaiman, grateful for the ant's caution, thanked Allah for the wisdom and understanding He had bestowed upon him.

7. Death and Succession: Prophet Sulaiman passed away, leaning on his staff while overseeing the construction of the House of Worship (presumed to be the Temple of Solomon). He died in a position that made it appear as if he were still alive, and the jinn continued to work, unaware of his death. When a termite chewed through his staff, Sulaiman's body fell, and it became evident that he had passed away. His death, however, went unnoticed for a period.

8. Legacy: Prophet Sulaiman's reign is remembered for its wisdom, justice, and the unique gifts bestowed upon him by Allah. His story emphasizes the importance of gratitude, humility, and the proper use of power and authority in accordance with divine guidance.

The story of Prophet Sulaiman is found in various chapters of the Quran, including Surah Sad, Surah Al-Anbya, and Surah Sad. It serves as a source of wisdom and inspiration for believers.

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