The story of Prophet Zakariya

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The story of Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah in English) is mentioned in the Quran, particularly in Surah Maryam (Chapter 19). Zakariya is revered in Islamic tradition as a righteous prophet and the father of Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist). Here is a summarized version of the story:

1.Prayer for Offspring: Prophet Zakariya and his wife, who was known as a pious woman, were both elderly and childless. Despite their old age, Zakariya remained hopeful and continued to pray to Allah for a righteous child who would inherit prophethood.

2. The Angel's Announcement: While Zakariya was in the sanctuary of worship, the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) appeared to him and conveyed the good news of the impending birth of a son. Zakariya was astonished because of their advanced age. The angel assured him that Allah's command "Be!" is sufficient to bring about anything, and this miracle was a manifestation of Allah's power.

3.Temporary Speech Impairment: As a sign of the divine miracle, Zakariya was temporarily deprived of speech. He was instructed to glorify Allah through silent remembrance and not to speak to people for three nights despite being physically capable.

4. Birth of Yahya (John): As foretold by the angel, Zakariya's wife conceived and gave birth to a son named Yahya (John). This was a significant blessing and a fulfillment of Zakariya's prayer for a righteous heir.

5. Yahya's Mission: Yahya grew up to be a prophet and played a crucial role in preparing the way for the coming of Prophet Isa (Jesus). His mission included calling people to worship Allah alone and advising them to follow the righteous path.

6. Zakariya's Prayer for a Sign: As Zakariya witnessed the miracles associated with Yahya, he felt the need for a direct sign from Allah. He prayed for a clear sign, and Allah responded by temporarily restoring Zakariya's speech, allowing him to glorify and praise Allah.

7. Zakariya's Death: Prophet Zakariya lived a righteous life, and he passed away in old age.His dedication to Allah, his perseverance in prayer, and the fulfillment of his request for an heir are highlighted in the Quran.

The story of Prophet Zakariya emphasizes the power of prayer, patience, and the miraculous nature of Allah's commands. It serves as a source of inspiration for believers, encouraging them to maintain faith, hope, and devotion in their prayers, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

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